Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Days 1 & 2 – May 1 & 2—60,000 For A Cure

I am so humbled by the out pour of love and support for my pull-ups for a cure.  Many at Kitsap CrossFit have started doing their pull-ups.  Dan didn’t want to miss the first day, so made do with doing them in a hotel room while traveling.  He made a video, which I hope to be able to post soon. 

The nice thing about pull-ups is that they can be done almost anywhere there is something to hang on.  I have done them from trees, from scaffolding, and from equipment pipes.  I look at everything as an opportunity for a pull up.  Today I had to figure out how to do them at home, without a bar.  I went partway down some stairs on the side of the house, and grabbed the deck above my head, and pulled.  Suffice to say…  I won’t be using this spot again.  There really was not much to hold on to, and when I came off, the uneven ground almost caused a wipe-out!  See for yourself…

One last thing…  If you are doing pull-ups, keep track of all that you do.  Tally them up.  My friend, Caroline, made this nifty spreadsheet, if you'd like to use it to track your pull-ups.  It will keep a running total of how many are being done.  It will also allow us to see if we are improving.  Right now, I can only do 1 max-rep pull up.  Maybe by the end of May I will be able to do 10 without letting go.

At the end of May, I will gather everyone’s totals, and, who knows… maybe, as a group, we can do 60,000, one for each person who may be diagnosed this year.  Can we?  Can we do 60,000 pull-ups for a cure?

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